Link Search Menu Expand Document


After selecting a country, get all the avaiable data packages that covers this country. The country coverage can be configured in FMS portal. Actual covering countries are not necessarily the same as the country list. For example, a global data package that actually covers 67 countries, through configuration in FMS portal, this data package can only be seen under 3 countries. Refer to package/packageList for detail.


  "countryCode": 460,
  "isoCountryName": "China",
  "languageId": "string",
  "pageNum": 0,
  "pageSize": 0,
  "partnerCode": "P001101",
  "type": 2


  1. pageNum and pageSize are not in use anymore. all the available packages are to be returned in the response.
  2. when countryCode and isoCountryName both exist in parameters, countryCode supercedes.
  3. type is mandatory, the value is either 1 or 2. refer to countryPackageList for meaning of type.


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