Link Search Menu Expand Document


After end user intends to buy the package after detail is rendered, before transaction is complete, FMS requires the pre-order of the package in order to preserve a eSIM profile from the pool, refer to package/preOrderPackage for api details


  "currency": "string",
  "currencyId": 0,
  "deviceType": "string",
  "id": 0,
  "languageId": "string",
  "money": 0,
  "packageCode": "string",
  "partnerCode": "string",
  "periodNum": 0


  1. currency refers to currencyAbbr in currencyInfo in the response of package/detail
  2. currencyId refers to currencyId in currencyInfo in response of package/detail
  3. deviceType is fixed to 10 for H5, iphone and android eSIM
  4. id refers to package id
  5. ~languageId~ is deprecated
  6. periodNum refers to period in response of package/detail


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