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payment webhook

After transanction is complete, the application should inform FMS so that the eSIM QR profile is assigned to the order. Please refer to /payment/webhook for api details


  "dateTime": 1,
  "orderId": "string",
  "partnerCode": "string",
  "payAmount": 100,
  "payCurrency": "USD",
  "paypalId": "string",
  "type": "payment_intent.succeeded"


  1. dataTime is the seconds of the transaction time in the transaction timezone.

  2. orderId is the id returned by pacakge/preOrderPackage

  3. type is the result of the payment transaction

  4. payCurrency: USD

  • payment_intent.succeeded
  • payment_intent.payment_failed



0:success; 2:Wrong parameters; 1102:Time conversion exception; 9999:Error; 6006:pre-order timeout; 10008: order does not exist; 10009: price inconsistent 3004: order system exception; 3005: qrCode null others: system exception

  • 6006: if the transaction result is notified more than 10 minutes after preOrder is called, this notificaion is considered timeout.


    "code": 10008,
    "data": null,
    "message": "paypal The callback has no order number"

    "code": 6006,
    "data": null,
    "message": "PreOrder Timeout"

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