Link Search Menu Expand Document


FMS APIs system renders 3 modules, user, package and order. Payment gateway integration or implementation is not within the scope of this document.

Table of contents

  1. General
    1. Table of contents
    2. API Request
      1. request header
      2. sample
      3. parameters
    3. API Response
    4. Token

API Request

API request body is comprised of parameters that are used to request information from FMS platform

request header

After registeration or successful login, Api access token will be returned in the response. Embed the token in the header of the following APIs.


//sample code 
  "countryCode": 460,
  "languageId": "string",
  "pageNum": 0,
  "pageSize": 0,
  "partnerCode": "P001101",
  "type": 2


Across the APIs, below are the common parameters and their descriptions:

ParameterTypeDescriptions/ Remarks
partnerCodeStringEnterprise code, ‘p’ followed by 6 digits, for example P001101
typeStringSearch Type 1: country; 2:region
userTypeIntegersystem administrator:1; Enterprise user:2; business user:3; customer:4
appIdIntegerapp: 12;The background: 10; H5: 14

API Response

Reponse usually follows below format:

  "code": 0,
  "data": {},
  "message": "string",
  "messageSourceHandler": {}

ParameterTypeDescriptions/ Remarks
codeInteger0 means success
dataObjectResponse data
messageStringResponse message


please refer to emailRegister for token generation process. It should be noted that:

  • a new token will be generated each time with login
  • a token is valid for 3 days
  • after token expires, a login is required to get the new token
  • api that uses expired token will receive error code 7 in response

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